‘Induction’ in the car workshop

Can’t it be cheaper than with the A800?

Two themes can be heard again and again at all trade fairs on the subject of car workshops:

1) It will be even cheaper!

2) But I found an induction unit that only costs…

Well, in reality, the big drop in the price of induction units has already happened, because 10 years ago you could still pay more than €20,000 for 8kW. On the contrary, the A800 has become about 5% more expensive on average over the last 3 years. And what about the other induction devices that are now available for less than €1,000?

There are now no fewer than 25 suppliers of induction devices at Automechanika. Guess how many of them have the necessary depth effect (without overheating, for heaven’s sake no yellow glow!!) to heat steering parts properly? And how many of them have the necessary power to heat aluminium, for example to gently remove an ABS sensor?

In this respect: Quality and performance have their price – but it’s best to ask someone who has such a device. Or even better: someone who has tested the devices in comparison.